Time: 13:00 – Every Tuesday
Rules: For all players who join FISH SHOOTING TOURNAMENT
Requirement: You must have at least 20,000 CHIPS in your game account. When participating in the tournament, an amount of chips will be added for you to play in the tournament for free and these chips won’t affect your actual chips.
Rules and How to join: To join this tournament, just click on Tournament icon in game lobby. If you haven’t joined the tournament after 10 minutes, please wait until next week to participate again.
Content and time battle:
+ Round 1:
From 13:00 – 13:15: Every players will be given 10,000,000 CHIPS to play. When this round is finished, the system will display a list of the top 60 players with the highest winning chips to participate in Round 2
+ Round 2:
From 13:30 – 13:45: Each player is given 20,000,000 chips and must complete the task of eliminate 5 Unicorns and 15 Blue Stingrays.
+ Final Round:
From 14:00 – 14:15: After round 2 is finished, the system will summarize the top 20 players who have completed the task and have the highest scores to participate in the Final Round.
In this round, each player is given 50,000,000 chips and must complete the task of eliminate one of these BOSSES: King Crab, Octopus, Dragon Turtle.
Top1: 10.000.000 CHIPS
Top2: 5.000.000 CHIPS
Top3: 3.000.000 CHIPS
Top4: 2.000.000 CHIPS
Special: Any users that joined Round 2 and played until the end of the tournament but didn't go to the Final. We will reward these players with 200.000 chips.
NOTE: During the tournament, ADMIN will eliminate any cheating users out of the tournament and take back all prizes.
Our decision will be the last decision.
Hope you guys have a great battle and bring many CHIPS back to your wallet!
Our decision will be the last decision.
Hope you guys have a great battle and bring many CHIPS back to your wallet!