Northern Poker is the most popular card game. Play cards using the 52-card deck to play. The game is for 2 – 4 people and each player is given 10 cards. The objective in playing SamLoc is to get rid of all the cards before your opponents do. At the end of a SamLoc game, the amount of money win for that depend on the mount left card deck of loser.
The ranks of the cards in increasing value are 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A 2. A card of higher rank is better than a card of lower rank. The suits of the cards is not value. Deuce (2) is not allowed in any series.
Legal Northern Poker Card Sets and Values
A Northern Poker card set can be either of the following. Some card sets are considered special:
Annouce Sam: Before starting the games, the player will arrange cards and ask for priority to play first – announce Sam, if the player repeatedly hits all the cards that no player will block his cards, he will win and success sam (x10 bets/ person, not counting deuce ), if any player can Block successfully Sam. The player who announce sam is loser.
Pass/ skip turn: All players then take turn to play a higher card set or "Pass" to skip the turn. Once a player Pass, he/she is forced to pass at subsequent turns in general. The round ends when 3 of the 4 players pass. The winner player of the round then starts a new round with any valid card set or the player make an announcement Sam. The game ends when one of the player runs out of cards
Hand containing 4 deuces
- Single: one card 
- Pair: 2 cards of the same rank
- Triple: 3 cards of the same rank
- Quadruple/ Four of a kind: 4 cards of the same rank. Quadruple is a special card set.

- Pair: 2 cards of the same rank

- Triple: 3 cards of the same rank

- Quadruple/ Four of a kind: 4 cards of the same rank. Quadruple is a special card set.

- Series: 3 or more cards forming a consecutive sequence

- Auto Win/ Take all: Certain hands are recognized as "auto win" hands. Games with these hands are not played. The owner of the special hand wins the game. The winning amount is 2, 3, or 4 times more than normal, depending on the type of the hand
- Sam Success: if the player sam success that win all amount of the bet coin.
- Pay Sam: If the player get sam damage, he have to pay sam.
- Freeze: when the game finish, the player who did not play any turn/ freeze all card.
- Quadruple/ Four of a kind can cut single deuce.
- Deuce wasted: When a game end, players who still have deuces or special card sets in their hands are penalized.
- Cut deuce: The deuce (also called Pig) is a highest ranking card in the game. When playing single or double, certain special card sets can be used to beat the deuce set.
Special Notes regarding Samloc rules:
Certain hands are recognized as "auto win" hands. Games with these hands are not played. The owner of the special hand wins the game. Following are the special hands:
Dragon series: hand containing a series of 10 cards

Hand containing 2 Quadruple
10 black (or red) cards
10 black (or red) cards

Hand containing 5 consecutive pairs

- 3 Triple: Triple is 3 cards of the same rank, there are 3 triple

- Poor Sam: There are not card: 10, J, Q, K

- Rich Sam: there are not 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
When the game start, each player contributes the betting amount for the current game prize. There are 9 valid to bet: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1.000, 2.000, 5.000, 10.000

Before the cards are dealt, the player in sit #1 can creat time a turn and type of the betting by selecting in create board. There is a limit on how much you can bet. This limit depends on the amount of money you have. You can choose the rule with Rich Sam – Poor Sam, the popular rule is unselected.
Playing Sam Loc:
- Before starting the games, the player will arrange cards and ask for priority to play first – announce Sam, if the player repeatedly hits all the cards that no player will block his cards, he will win and success sam (x10 bets/ person, not counting deuce ), if any player can Block successfully Sam. The player who announce sam is loser.
- When a game end, players who still have deuces or special card sets in their hands are penalized.
- The player who has the only card – announce everyone and the left person side take turn place the highest card, unless lose all.
- The objective in playing SamLoc is to get rid of all the cards before your opponents do.
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